海 外 旅 客 預 訂 好 便 利~ For overseas travelers
為方便海外旅客預訂服務~ 我們提供了更快速操作便利的付款機制喔!!
In order to create a user friendly platform for overseas travelers, we provide a convenient payment mechanism.
預訂前...請先詳細閱讀 → ★預訂資訊須知!
Before reserving, please read the reservation information and the terms and conditions.
銀行:華夏銀行股份有限公司 上海市黃浦支行
☆ 若您需要預訂6人或10人的包棟請直接撥電話或透過以下方式E-mail先跟我們做確認預訂喔!
After reading the reservation information and the terms and conditions, to confirm your bookings, you can either email us or make a direct call.
1.請旅人們先 E-mail 給 Zero+
2. E-Mail 請填寫以下內容 (可以直接複製貼上再填寫)
預訂日期 Check-in date:
退房日期 Check-out date:
房間形式 Room Type:
中文姓名 Name:
手機號碼 Cellphone:
住宿人數 Occupancy:
Note: Any inquiries regarding traveling information, attractions, transportations, and so on.
If you need to arrange transfers, please indicate the time and location (extra charge):
班機號碼抵達台灣日期時間 Flight number and arrival time (GMT+8):
抵達墾丁日期 Date arrived Kenting:
代訂交通接駁車費用如下: (如果需要安排接送,請事先提出喔!出發前5天請再做最後確認一次!)
Costs of scheduling shuttle or transportation are as follows: (For this service, please inform us in advance and confirm the arrangement within 5 days before your departure.)
☆ 高雄、墾丁接駁共乘
Transfers from Kaohsiung Train Station or Kenting (Carpool)
Kaohsiung Train Station: NT$350/ one way / per
Kaohsiung Airport & Zuoying HSRS (High Speed Rail Station): NT$400/ one way/ per
(PS: It is an economical and affordable choice and about 2 hours driving.)
☆ 高雄、墾丁包車接駁費用
Transfers from Kaohsiung or Kenting (Chartered)
1~5 passengers: NT$ 2,000~2,200/ one way
6~8 passengers: NT$ 3,000~3,200/ one way
(PS: This is private use, and won’t waste your traveling time for waiting others.)
3. 確認好預訂日期後,即可透過Zero+寄給您的 "海外旅客線上預訂網站"預訂,
After confirming the booking date with us, we will send you a link for online reservation. Once you pay the deposit online, you will get a confirmation letter from us, which means your reservation with Zero+ is completed.
4. 開始安排您的墾丁度假之旅囉!Begin to organize your Kenting trip
因為在這不管是要駕汽車、電單車(摩托車) 都需要有車牌的喔!
In Kenting, there are several ways to travel. You can rent cars, motorcycles or bicycle etc. By doing this, you need to get an international driver's license in your country! You can also take buses instant; however, the attractions you could go to maybe limited, and time consuming. Or a chartered day trip may be the most convenient and smartest choice that does not waste time and could take you around Kenting...... For a chartered day trip and rental car, contact Zero+ for more details! Thank you ~
(海外旅客若有不清楚地方歡迎來信洽詢 ~)
If you have any inquiries or want to clearance information above, please do not hesitated to contact us.
LINE & WeChat ID : zeroplus86homestay
歡迎海外旅客使用VISA、Master Card、銀聯卡、財付通以及各大信用卡預訂,付款前請先與我們聯絡囉,謝謝。
We are Alipay、UnionPay、Tenpay -friendly and accept all major credit cards. Please contact us before completing payments.
Zero+旅宿 www.zeroplusinn.com
TEL電話:+886 978 177 786
Booking E-mail郵件:zeroplus86@gmail.com
LINE ID / WeChat ID : zeroplus86homestay